Friday, February 8, 2013

While looking on the Austin Chronicle's website, I found an article posted Feb. 2 titled Bill of the Week: Building a Better Texas. This article discusses the unfair treatment of our construction workers and the bills that will help secure their rights. Texas' construction industry is responsible for 10% of all U.S. construction output. With that being said, we have the highest rate of workers killed due to work related accidents. There is also a lot of shady business going on within some of these companies, like not having workers on payroll which means they don't have to pay taxes on them and it also leaves the worker uncovered by workers comp if they do happen to sustain an injury on site. Now they are trying to propose different bills to ensure the safety of the workers, for instance,  House Bill 475, by Rep. Armando Walle, D-Houston, would require construction employers to provide workers compensation coverage.

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